Month: February 2023

Let's make a better workplace

safety week 2023

Celebrating Indian National Safety Week 2023: Best Ideas

Celebrating Indian National Safety Week 2023: Best Ideas. National Safety Week 2023 is a great opportunity for organizations and communities to educate themselves on the importance of safety and take steps to create a safer environment. By conducting various events and activities, organizations and communities can raise awareness and promote safety.

February 11, 2023 0
Interactive games for spot the hazard at workplace

Interactive Games: A Fun and Effective Way to Spot Hazards in the Workplace

Enhance Workplace Safety with Fun and Effective ‘Spot the Hazard Interactive Games Quiz‘, use this free tool to gauge your employees perception towards workplace safety. Selecting an employee with a proper attitude towards safety is the one of the fastest way to develop your safety culture. This tool will help provide you a digital way…
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February 4, 2023 0