Category: Safety videos

Let's make a better workplace

Understanding the Near miss – Video 1

Dear All, Seeing an incident is different from observing an incident. Below is an video of an incident which when analysed will help us determine the underlying causes of the incident and the actions which could have been taken to avoid this. Let us observe this incident so that we can learn from others mistakes…
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September 13, 2018 0
swinging load

Unsafe act Video- Near Death Experience

August 28, 2018 1

Root cause Analysis – Accident 1

Can you identify the root cause of accident in this video? The video shows a recovery of a fallen truck back to its normal position using two hydra crane. This incident could have been avoided if some precautions had been taken care of, Can you name these precautions? Analyse the incident and be proactive when…
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August 26, 2018 0

Fatal Electrical accident

July 9, 2018 0

Fatal Ladder accident

A fall from even a small height can be potentially fatal. One should not underestimate hazard of fall from height. In the above video a fatal accident was caused due to overlooking of safety aspects and not using adequate fall protection system.

July 8, 2018 0