Tag: workplace safety

Let's make a better workplace

ergonomic hazard

Understanding workplace Hazards

When at workplace, we often get very much engaged in the things which we usually do; forgetting to look at the things around us.  These things can pose a serious threat to ones safety if they are overlooked. Presence of mind will help you to identify the workplace hazard that are usually around you. Below…
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March 12, 2019 0

The First Aid Quiz

Chances are good that at some point in your life, you’ll need to provide first aid to someone who’s ill or injured. First aid is the initial care you give to a victim before the arrival of professional medical help, and it can make an important difference in the outcome of an illness or accident—sometimes…
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February 27, 2019 0

Safety Quiz- Permit to Work

If your workplace must perform certain risky activities, it should have a permit to work. Permits are absolutely crucial for making certain that everyone understands what to do to make sure that work proceeds safely. Test You Permit to Work Knowledge with this Quiz.

January 30, 2019 0
find all unsafe acts and conditions in this image

Spot the Hazard Interactive Quiz -4

Your ability to identify hazards at the workplace will determine the possibility of eliminating the hazards. If you can spot the hazard in the image below then you already have a good vision towards identifying hazards. There are unsafe workplaces but none can be more unsafe than this one. Your goal is to find at…
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August 27, 2018 0